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Our partners


We work in collaboration with partners with a concern for the quality of our projects: these financial and technical exchanges allow us to improve our actions.

Our partners


Enfants d'Asie is an NGO that offers sponsorship for children in Southeast Asia. Their priority: to provide underprivileged children with access to education. For our water supply project in Laos, Enfants d'Asie is preparing to build quality dormitories for the school's boarding students. PEMM took care of bringing the running water which the pupils of the future boarding school will be able to benefit from.

This project is a good example of cooperation between two NGOs: solidarity is at all levels. 

Our donors

The Guild has financed several of our projects through its Micro-Project Agency.​ Thanks to their support, we were able to bring water to the village of CHOM ONG but also to offer a water sanitation service needed at the NAVANG dispensary.

Thanks to their trust, we have completed the majority of our 2021 projects.

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The Grands Eaux de Lyon and the Métropole de Lyon supported us financially for our latest water supply projects. This funding was needed to supply water to the 1,000 inhabitants of the village of CHOM ONG in northern Laos. This action would not have been possible without them.

The Kiwanis of Saint-Étienne support our actions every year. Their motto is "to serve the children of the world", and together we improve the hygiene and sanitary conditions for the children of Laos.

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Our patrons

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